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Group Discussion and Personal Interview Workshop

Our Effective Group Discussion and Interview Techniques which students learn in the program helps gain confidence and do well in GD's and interviews.
Total Duration: 4 Days
1st Day
  • In a seminar format where the entire minimum guaranteed students will be addressed together by Mr. Minocher Patel.
Next 3 Days
  • In a workshop format where each batch will consist of 40-50 students.
Program Outline
  • Importance of Confidence Building & Positive Attitude
  • Importance of Career planning and Goal Setting
  • Role & Importance of Group Discussions
  • Controlling Stress, Fear during Group Discussions and Interviews
  • Effective Group Discussion Techniques
  • Role and Importance of Interviews
  • Preparing for Interviews
  • Role of Non Verbal Communication during Group Discussion and Interviews
  • Correct Body Language during Interview
  • Handling different types of Interviews
  • Tips for Success in Interviews and GDs
  • Lectures, Mock GDs & Interviews, Video Recording and feedback.
  • Each student will go through at least 2 rounds of GD’s and one round of personal interview with the trainer.
  • Each student will receive personal feedback after the interview and also video playback and feedback.
  • Each student will also be given a CD wherein all the video shooting of the GDs and interviews will be given to him.

At The End of The Program: All the participants will receive Ecole Solitaire 'Group Discussion and Personal Interview Techniques Workshop' Certificate of Participation.
Program Director:
Mr. Minocher Patel
Founder Director, Ecole Solitaire

Ecole Solitaire is in the Limca Book of Records as India's First Residential Finishing School
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